I. Factual – Level One (1)
A. One correct answer can be easily found.
B. Key verbs: define, identify, name, recite, complete, list, recall, who, what, when, where
C. Example: List the ingredients of peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
II. Interpretive – Level Two (2)
A. Processing skill/concept
B. Key verbs: contrast, group, compare, paraphrase, interpret, organize
C. Example: Write an organized recipe for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
III. Evaluative— Level Three (2)
A. Strategic thinking beyond the text
B. Key verbs: evaluate, judge, predict, hypothesize, revise, invent, critique, design
C. Example: Design a plan to feed everyone in your class peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
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