Friday, December 14, 2012

Cause and Effect Notes

The relationship of events is called cause and effect. The cause is what brings about an event or circumstance. An effect is the result of the event or circumstance.
How does cause and effect appear in math? Barbara has four apples. If Shawn eats one apple, then Barbara will have three apples.
Cause: Shawn ate one of Barbara’s apples.
Effect: Barbara has three instead of four apples.
How does cause and effect appear in science? If Quintin puts a cup of water in his freezer, then over several hours he will have a chunk of ice.
Cause: Quintin puts water in the freezer.
Effect: It is a cup of ice.

Try combining sentences with a cause and effect transition here.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Drawing Conclusions Quiz

If you can answer these questions using complete sentences, you have mastered the reading skill.
·        What is a fact?
·        When do you draw conclusions?
·        Judge the usefulness of drawing conclusions.
·        Contrast the fact “Black and white students attended separate schools” and the author’s interpretation “It was a tough time to be black.”
·        Identify the first step before you read.
·        Compare drawing conclusions, a reading skill, to writing a thesis statement.
·        Paraphrase the steps of drawing conclusions.
·        Revise this fact into an interpretation: Jackie Robinson was the first African-American to play major league baseball.
·        Design a chart to draw conclusions.
·        Contrast reading without the drawing conclusions process to reading with the drawing conclusions process.