Thursday, October 13, 2011

Drawing Conclusions about Jackie Robinson

Write a paragraph for each of the following questions about Jackie Robinson. Practice each response because you will not be allowed to use your notes during the presentation. You will present on Monday.
1. In what ways does Sharon Robinson reveal her interpretation of her father, Jackie Robinson?
2. In what ways does Robert Peterson connect Jackie Robinson to Civil Rights?
3. Both writers, Peterson and Robinson, talk about other people in Jackie Robinson’s life.
a.  How does Robinson view her brother, Jackie Jr.?
b. How does Peterson characterize Branch Rickey?
4. Why are facts important in a biography?
5. How does commentary direct the reader’s thoughts?
Speaks with a loud, clear voice and uses meaningful eye contact.
Speaks with a loud, clear voice, but uses little eye contact.
Speaks quietly or mumbling. Uses little eye contact.
Articulates thoughts in complete sentences and descriptive vocabulary.
Articulates thoughts in complete sentences and generic vocabulary.
Speaks in fragments. Uses minimal or confusing vocabulary.
Answers the prompt concisely.
Supports response with three details from the articles.
Supports response with two details from an article.
Supports response with one detail from an article.

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