Thursday, July 19, 2012

Group Work Courtesy Policy

Students received a copy of these policies in class, and they must keep these policies in their composition notebook.

1. I will manage my time and follow directions to complete the group activity.
2. I will contribute and participate. If I do not understand the activity, I will ask my group to explain. I will also check that my whole group understands the lesson. If we still do not understand the lesson, I will ask Ms. Avery.

3. I understand off-topic conversation distracts my group, and I will get an M.I.R. for Respect and Focus.
4. I am aware of other groups and individuals working in the classroom. If my group is finished with the assignment early, I should read at my desk so that I am not distracting other groups.
5. I control my actions. If someone in my group is not working, I will encourage them to stay involved. I understand Ms. Avery may issue an M.I.R. for Respect if I mock a classmate’s effort.

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