Thursday, March 1, 2012

Organize Your Draft

Writing Assignment #1: Choose a summer movie and describe the story to Ms. Avery.

Introduce with a hook. Connect the audience to the topic.
 Options: “Imagine if…” or definition or famous quotation
Example: Imagine teenagers battling against evil forces to save their school and the world. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part Two, these teenagers are actually wizards flying on brooms and using magical wands.
Thesis statement: YOUR idea or argument of the essay. The thesis is specific and communicates your perspective about the topic.
Example: Many fans will agree with me that this Harry Potter movie is the most thrilling adventure story.
Supporting details in the topic paragraphs should connect to the thesis statement.
Conclusion: Summarizes the thesis statement as if the writer is saying “My idea matters because…”
Example: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part Two is unlike any movie with teenagers as the main characters. These seventeen-year-old wizards fight for their lives and everyone they love in this thrilling adventure.

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